About Speaker

NameAnntricia Smith
LocatedUnited States (Oklahoma)
Available InGlobal
Current JobAuthor, Public Speaker, Educator Anntricia Bray Smith, LLC
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​I am Anntricia Bray Smith. I am an Author, Educator, and Public Speaker. "I am the voice for those who suffer in silence". For years I lived my life in the shadows of my past. I allowed the little girl trapped within me to make decisions for me and govern my life. It wasn't until recent years that I realized that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing. I began to search scripture, listen to motivational teaching, and read books. As a result, my mindset began to shift. I was eventually able to address the issues of the little girl within and lay her to rest. What you see today is a result of the years of work that I put in to focus on becoming the best version of myself. I have recreated my life and now I make it my personal and professional mission to create that same impact in the lives of everyone I encounter. I believe that each individual is born with purpose and the ability to make a positive imprint in life. I use my voice to break the foundations of silence as it relates to poverty, abuse, neglect, abandonment, and so much more. There are no more excuses for why you can't recreate your life and make the rest of your life the best of your life.

I am the author of “Recreating A Better Me”, “Time To Talk”, “Struggling To Forgive”, "Time To Talk Business; Sense and Branding" and "Pressed Through 2020". Additionally, I have two podcast "Woman To Woman" and "Money & Mindset" My messages are clear, unscript and genuine. My purpose is to educate, empower, and encourage you to live free and whole, despite life challenges and oppositions. I dedicate my platforms to assist each individual in breaking cycles of poverty, mediocrity, and addictions. If you would like to take the next step and discover how to overcome your fears, request a booking consultation now.

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