About Speaker
Inner-Works provides a novel approach to understanding the brain developing simple skills to build brain muscle, having the ability to control your thoughts, eliminating repetitive negative thinking, one at a time! We define PTSD teaching skill sets for Pre- Traumatic Stress Solutions, while in the heat of battle! We have redesigned debriefing for all first responder's, or any organization that deals with trauma on the job.
Unlike other Speakers and Coaches, I provide the most vivid pictures through words which are unforgettable to say the lest, learning by simply squeezing of the Right Hand, bringing your mind into Left brain thinking where Happiness, Peace, Logic, Joy, and stabilization reside.
Learn how to train the brain, bringing it Left with your Right, understanding Emotional Intelligence and the importance of it, along with mapping of the brains thought travel. After my speech the audience will go home with an entirely new mind set, having the ability to separate work and family, knowing all stress lies in the way he/she thinks. My Mission since 19 years old:
My mission is to inspire others to happiness within and peace of mind!